Sunday 6 November 2011

Using Google Maps

Posted by Margaret Kwan On 13:48 No comments

This is our presentation of using Google Maps and how Google Maps enhance students' learning experience.

Direct link to our presentation at Youtube: 
Direct link to our presentation at Vimeo:

A short reflection about putting together this Google Map presentation:
By exploring how to use the Google Map, we’ve learnt various possible applications of this tool in teaching and learning. Google Map not just can enhance the learning experience in geography lessons, but also promote a more interactive learning experience for students in other subjects. (e.g. English, social studies and math) Google Map promotes learning in the classrooms based on the constructive learning theory. It provides students the opportunities on collaborative learning. Students may learn together by researching and gathering information on any places around the world and presenting what they’ve found onto their maps. They may also work together solving various math problems relating to speed, velocity and displacement. The activities mentioned may help teachers to shift away from the traditional way of teaching to a new approach that allows for student-centered learning. In addition, by going through the tutorial, we gain an better understanding on step-by-step learning on how to use the application from the students' point of view.

Further Readings:

Darlin, D. (2005). A journey to a thousand maps begins with an open code. The New York Times.

Ratliff E (2007). How Google Maps is changing the way we see the world. Retrieved from:

Gibson R, & Erle, S. (2006). Google map hacks. CA: O'Reilly Media Inc. Retrieved from:


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